Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Scarborough Dental Services
Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars. Most people see these teeth erupt in their late teens or early twenties – perhaps just in time to have gained some wisdom. Why Might They Need to be Removed? Sometimes wisdom teeth grown in and cause no problems. Often however the development of wisdom teeth can present a series of complications. When wisdom teeth begin to erupt the flap of gum tissue that grows over the tooth gets raised. This flap creates a space for food to become trapped which can cause pain and infection. Misaligned wisdom teeth can be angled towards or away from the second molars. This often causes the tooth to become 'impacted' partially and not erupt to the surface at all. This means the tooth may erupt causing crowding and potentially damage adjacent teeth, the jawbone or nerves. Early detection through dental x-rays allows us to predict future problems and prevent them, often through removing the misaligned or 'impacted' wisdom teeth. Our team will keep a close eye on the development of your wisdom teeth during your regularly scheduled visits. If you feel or notice any of the following contact your dentist immediately:
If you are concerned about your Wisdom Teeth, contact our Scarborough Dentist or a member of Kotansky Dental today. |
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