October 2021: Tips, eNews & More!
Fall is officially here! Cozy movie nights, pumpkin-flavoured drinks & fresh-out-of-the-oven pies, Thanksgiving celebrations, and Halloween are just around the corner. Thanks to the ongoing efforts of public health agencies and increasing vaccination rates, we hope that there will be many opportunities this fall to celebrate and get together at the dinner table to share gratitude and joy with your loved ones.
While enjoying any Thanksgiving feast, indulging in Halloween candy, or sipping on your favourite hot chocolate or a pumpkin-spiced coffee, do not forget about your healthy smile! Make sure you brush and floss your teeth twice a day, drink plenty of water, and come in for a check-up to stay on top of your oral health!
We would like to thank you for choosing us and letting us take care of you and your family's oral health.
Dr. Kotansky and Team
The Benefits of Essential Oils for Oral Health
Essential oils are growing in popularity once again! Known for their unique healing and therapeutic benefits, essential oils have been used for centuries worldwide. The popularity of essential oils has blossomed throughout recent years, and their use in dentistry is no exception. This form of holistic medicine has been around since the ancient ages and is becoming more popular as more people are looking for holistic healing. Essential oils are used for a variety of ailments and are believed to aid the wellbeing of mind, body, and spirit alike.
When it comes to dentistry the words "essential oils" bring antimicrobial mouth rinses to mind. However, essential oils have a much broader application in both dentistry and medicine. In this article, we are going to discuss different types of essential oils, their benefits, and how they can be used to keep your gums and teeth healthy and beautiful!
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Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread
Nothing says fall like the sweet smell of freshly baked pumpkin bread. This version is not only loaded with chocolate chips but is also incredibly moist and tender! This recipe is perfect for a Thanksgiving dessert, a movie night treat, or a cozy morning breakfast that would go well with a cup of your favourite tea or coffee!
Check Out The Recipe!
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