July 2015: Tips, eNews & More!
Happy Canada Day!
Summer is in full swing and if you have kids at home, they are more than likely getting up later in the morning. It's easy to just give them a sugary bowl of cereal and get on with the day, but that is not doing them any favours when it comes to their oral and overall health. Try to provide fresh seasonal fruit for kids and foods like eggs which make a great snack and are a good source of protein without the sugars contained in so many breakfast meals.
Summer nights may also come with later bedtimes, after a full day outside in the sun, make sure your family tends to their teeth before bed. Sugar can cause tooth decay so it's important for kids to brush and rinse before hitting the pillow. Practice the 3-2-1 rule:
Eat 3 healthy meals, brush 2 times, and floss 1 time every day. Click here for more summertime health tips.
Now is the time to get you and your child to the dentist for a regular check-up. It's always good to take advantage of this time when your child won't have to miss school to get that necessary dental check-up. Click here to request an appointment.
Summer fun means lots of smiles – keep your child's smile healthy.
Dr. Kotansky and Team
What You Don’t Know About E-Cigarettes
E-cigarettes are on the rise. It has been estimated that
within 10 years e-cigarettes will outsell tobacco
products since they are considered a safer and less
expensive alternative to smoking. Smoking has been linked
to cancer and heart disease but that doesn’t mean e-
cigarettes are not hazardous for your health. There has
also been concern that e-cigarettes are quickly becoming
a gateway drug for nonsmokers and teens.
What Are E-Cigarettes?
The battery powered electronic device contains a
cartridge with e-juice (made up of vegetable glycerin,
propylene glycol and liquid nicotine) and a heating
element to produce vapor. Since vapor is produced rather
than smoke, the amount of toxic chemicals emitted are
significantly reduced. This battery powered device also
reduces the odor that normally accompanies smoking.
Click here to find out about how vaping affects your oral
health. |
Frozen Fruit Pops
When it’s hot outside and you’re looking to quench your thirst, water is the best thing for you! However, we know the heat can sometimes make you crave sweets and in the heat, a refreshing sugary fruit juice is hard to resist, so why not try our Frozen Fruit Pop recipe instead? They are much healthier than many concentrated fruit juices you find in the grocery store and, because it’s frozen, it’ll cool you down and take longer to finish which means you are less likely to overindulge. Try our recipe, or use your favourite fruits.
Click here for the full recipe.
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